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Astera FP5 NYX bulb Online

Original price was: $105.00.Current price is: $31.50.
Astera FP5 NYX bulb The first color-tunable LED bulb for professional film, stage, and event productions.  Not bigger than a

Astera FP5 NYX CupBouncers Set of 8 on Sale

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $22.00.
Astera FP5 NYX CupBouncers Set of 8Set of 8 CupBouncers for FP5. Attach to NYX Bulb via suction cup, canreflect

Astera FP5 NYX Hangers Fashion

Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $22.00.
Astera FP5 NYX HangersSet of 8 PowerStation Hangers for FP5-PS with single stud fitting to connect to thePowerStation’s airline track.

Astera FP5 NYX set Online Sale

Original price was: $1,154.99.Current price is: $346.50.
Astera FP5 NYX set Introducing the first color tunable LED bulb for professional film, stage and event productions.  Not bigger

Astera NYX D-tap Splitter cable Online now

Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $22.00.
Astera NYX D-tap Splitter cableD-tap splitter cable to power 8 FP5 NYX bulbs using a battery with Dtap plug in.

Astera NYX socket E27 Supply

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $12.49.
Astera NYX socket E27 E27 socket for FP5 NYX bulb with single stud fitting to be attached toPowerStation. Does not

Astera Powerstation for NYX Bulb Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $184.99.Current price is: $55.50.
Astera Powerstation for NYX Bulb Used as a battery pack to power a NYX bulb. Has a LCD screen and